    Noting the widespread interest and demand for courses on the study of Asia and China, the College of Law and Politics and the Graduate Institute of International Politics took the initiative to establish the Asia and China Studies Program. Beginning in the 2019 fall semester, the program will offer 3-4 courses every semester centered on Asia and China. All courses will be conducted in English. After completing at least three courses (9 credits) in the program, students will receive a certificate from NCHU that notes the achievement.
    Courses offered in 2019 fall semester
    • Introduction to Chinese Business Law
    • Text Mining in Policy Making
    • Select Topics on East Asia
    Please contact Tony Liu for more details. Email: ttliu@dragon.nchu.edu.tw

    瀏覽人數 : 0000006448

    瀏覽總數 : 0000131321

    更新日期 : 2025/03/25